
In a way, I have been working on FATKID my entire life. FATKID lives in a world created by my childhood. I’ve taken my thoughts and visions, dreams and nightmares, characters and iconic figures that helped mold me as a small, chubby child, and brought them with me into my adult reality. Like most kids, I grew up on Disney, The Muppets and Sesame Street. I was inspired early on by artists such as Dr. Seuss, Shel Silverstein and Graeme Base. My vision for FATKID has been to take these childhood inspirations, and not let them fade away into obscurity, but instead, bring them with me into adulthood.

As a father of young boys, experiencing their limitless imagination, I’ve been reintroduced to a world that lives just beyond the realm in which our own eyes can see. I’d like to try to bring that world to life. Watching my children has inspired me and helped me retrain the way I think and imagine things. FATKID is not just about holding onto your childhood, but embracing it and unlocking the magic that it is to be a kid. Through FATKID, I am able to bring my childhood with me wherever I go, and so, as I introduce FATKID to you, my hope is that with a sense of nostalgia, it will bring you back to a time and place in your life when imagination and fun ruled all things. I hope you enjoy what you see and come back to visit often. Thank you and remember… NEVER, EVER GROW UP.

If you are interested in purchasing original artwork or requesting a commission, as well as all general inquiries, please send me an email.




